Gang of the White Feather

A saga from The Langstraat

North Brabant circa 1720. A group of "heydens," "land walkers" and deserters form a loose gang and emerge as the terror of the region. The most notorious and cunning of them all is the leader, Swarte Johannes. No one knows what he really looks like, for Swarte Johannes is a master of disguises. Only the white feather on his hat is a sign that he is a member of the White Feather Gang. His sandstone head today adorns the facade of the Ravensbosch Hoeve in 's Gravenmoer. How it got there, you will discover during an exciting bicycle tour through Loon op Zand, De Moer, Kaatsheuvel, 's Gravenmoer and Dongen.
Various hospitality locations along the route have developed special products and activities related to the adventures of this gang of robbers. How about a nice shelf with five different beers dedicated to five different gang members, delicious liquorice liqueur, special gallows meals, tours or pen feather making workshops...? Read on quickly!

Experience the Gang Life - don't miss this

Go on an adventure - looking for the white feather

Stay tuned for all the news!

There is plenty to see and experience in De Langstraat. Read about it in our inspiration magazine.

The magazine is available for free at numerous hospitality venues in the region and our TIPs.

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